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Own station

welcome onair

Hi, my name is Balint. I'm a HAM from Hungary. My call is HA7PB I am a founding member of the HA5KPI Pataky High school amateur radio study group. My QTH is located in Érd (JN97LI), but I don't have RIGs yet, so I'm not active on the bands. I am currently in the process of changing this. As a long-term plan, I want to work on the entire spectrum, from my own station.

Our club station should have an RC setup with an Icom IC-7300, but it's currently down.

I currently have two antennas: (Pictures soon?)

FT-8 is just as valid as any other mode. Just like Queer people. I will be using it, but you don't have to.

yagi dit-dit-dit dit-dit-dit spinny boi
mni tnx 73

Ganz Rádióklub (HA5KJX, HA5KFZ, HA5GEW, HA5KPI)

Szakkörünk hívójele a HA5KPI. QTH-nk pedig Budapest X. kerülete (JN97NL)
Ez a GANZ Rádióklub szakköre, aminek jómagam tagja vagyok. Keddenként megtalálhatsz minket a 20 és 2m-en. Amikor kint vagyunk, általában S17-en vagy a külömböző átjátszónkon hallhatsz meg minket.

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